Hello, August, time of gross-hot heat and the inevitable return to school. Here’s how to have fun despite it all without even leaving Vestavia Hills city limits.
1. Rocky Ridge First Fridays
Aug. 4 | 6 p.m.
Live music and children’s activities a summer make a night in the Rocky Ridge Business District all the more fun. Stop by one of the area’s restaurants for dinner, or just stroll around and take in the party. The area is located at the intersection of Morgan Drive and Rocky Ridge Road.
2. Back 2 School in the Hills
Aug. 11 | 6:30 p.m.
Oliver Square, 3246 Cahaba Heights Road
There will be games and rides, music to dance to, and a movie on a lawn at dusk. And it’s free. Why wouldn’t you and your kids go? Bring lawn chairs or a blanket for the movie, and pack or pick up a picnic dinner if you like.
3. 2nd Heaven Consignment Sale
Aug. 4-5
Friday 9 a.m.-7 p.m. | Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Cahaba Heights United Methodist Church
Get a head start on stocking your kids’ fall and winter wardrobe at one (or all) at this new sale. Not in town for it? No worries, there are three more coming up in Vestavia in September too.

Photo by Allyson McLean
4. Rebels vs. Briarwood Christian
Aug. 25 | 7 p.m.
Thompson Reynolds Stadium
Bring on the Friday night lights, it’s time for Rebel football. Don your red and blue, and we’ll see you for kickoff. Can’t make it? Catch the video broadcast online.

Photo by Elizabeth Nance
5. Vestavia Hills United Methodist Farmers Market
Thursdays | 7-11 a.m.
Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church
VHUMC hosts a farmers market full of fresh local produce in its parking lot on Wednesday mornings in the summer. Stop by to get some veggies before they close for the season at the end of August.
More Vestavia Hills Events This Month
Eyes Back on School
Aug. 1 | 10 a.m.
Children/Free Vision Screening
Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest
First Friday Reception
Aug. 4 | 4:30 p.m.
Artists Incorporated
First Day of Schools
Aug. 10
Vestavia Hills City Schools
Meal Prep Class
Aug. 14 | 6 p.m.
Pure Fitness
$15/Registration Required
Mayhem on the Mountain
Aug. 19
Crossfit-Style Competition from Forge Fitness
Oak Mountain State Park
Vinyl Cutting 101
Aug. 31
Adults/Registration Required
Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest
4 p.m.
What events are we missing? Email event submissions to mm@vestaviahillsmagazine.com.